Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese anime series that was created by Gainax and Tatsunoko Production, and directed by Hideaki Anno. The series follows the story of Shinji Ikari, a fourteen-year-old boy who is recruited to pilot an immense mecha known as an Evangelion in order to fight monstrous beings known as Angels.
The show has been praised for its deep introspective characters, its depiction of psychosexual development, and for its handling of theological issues such as existentialism, free will, sinfulness and redemption.
Introduction: What is Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Neon Genesis Evangelion is an anime series that first aired in 1995. It was produced by Gainax and Tatsunoko Production, directed by Hideaki Anno, written by Hideaki Anno and Kazuya Tsurumaki, with music composed by Shirō Sagisu. The story follows Shinji Ikari, a fourteen-year-old boy who is recruited to the human organization NERV to pilot one of their mecha robots in combat against monstrous beings called Angels.
Neon Genesis Evangelion has been regarded as one of the most influential animated television series of all time. It generated considerable controversy when it originally aired on Japanese television
1. All Life is Sacred principle one
All life is sacred.
This principle is the foundation of the belief that all living things are equal and deserve respect.
The principle of all life is sacred does not condone any form of murder, violence, or abuse.
2. The Numbers are Paramount principle two
The Numbers are Paramount principle two is an essay by the famous writer and philosopher, Ayn Rand. The essay is about the importance of numbers in life. It talks about how numbers are important for people to understand the world around them.
3. The Beast is in the Eye of the Beholder principle three
The Beast is in the Eye of the Beholder principle three is a principle that states that what one person perceives as beautiful, another may find ugly. This principle is also known as "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder."
4. Angels are Not Humanoids but Humans with Advanced Capabilities that are not Fully-Evolved yet
Angels are not humanoids but humans with advanced capabilities that are not fully evolved yet.
It is important to remember that angels are not humanoids but humans with advanced capabilities that are not fully evolved yet. They have the ability to communicate telepathically and they also have the ability to transport themselves from one place to another quickly. They can also change their form and shape at will and they can do this without the use of any kind of technology. Angels also have a high level of psychic abilities and they can see into people's minds or through time and space.
Angels, as we know them today, were created by God in such a way that they would be able to help humanity in all sorts of ways. Angels do not come from another planet or dimension.
5. Angels are Born From Adam and Eve, not God Himself When they Become Co-Creators with Him during Instrumentality
In the Bible, angels are created by God. They are not born from Adam and Eve. Angels are created in heaven and descend to earth with a mission to carry out the will of God.
The Evangelion series tells us that angels are born from Adam and Eve when they become co-creators with him during instrumentality. This is an entirely different interpretation of the biblical story where angels were created by God himself...